Wednesday, September 14, 2011

#8- Planning Center

Posted by shannan at 1:37 PM

I don’t know if you've heard of planning center, or if you’ve ever used it, but I don’t know if I could get through a week without it. It is the perfect way to organize a service. I currently use it for Preschool and Elementary. I have three guest log-ons that all my leaders have so they can get on to get an materials they may need or just see what the order of service is. We print this out as well and it has all the introductions my hosts need for games, teach times, sword drills or any other information they may need. It really is one of the best way we spend money to keep everyone informed. And they have different prices- even a free level. We currently have the Basic plan, more out of storage space than anything else. We don’t use the site to the full extent we could- such as music and video uploads, and even emailing people to schedule them. But for now, we use what we can. I highly recommend checking it out and seeing if it will help you organize a service. I've put what a service looks like for us below, and how it prints.

Jesus Changes EverythingSeptember 18, 2011Growing Up Lesson 3


in mins
9:15a10:45a15:00Hangout time
9:30a11:00a10:00LG Activity/ Small Groups
Steal It

either do two lines facing each other, or do four lines if necessarily that form a box facing in. Go down each line giving each kid a number so that each line has the same numbers. When you call a number, such as 2, the first "2" to run and and trade one of their shoes for the shoe in the middle wins that race, first team to switch out all of their shoes wins the game.
9:40a11:10a1:00Enter Large Groups

Trunk or Treat is coming up. We're doing this instead of pumpkin patch bash. But there will still be candy, and hayrides, and popcorn, and bouncy houses. So when you leave today, grab two postcards- one for your fridge and one for a Friend. We want you to bring as many friends as you can so this can be the best event ever!

Alright, Who can tell me what the difference is between an offering and a tithe? (allow response) I know it’s a tricky little thing right? Well in the bible other Christians give us the example of giving 10% of what we earn to God as a way to say thank you. And Offering is giving even more than that like 20 or 30 percent of what you have because God has blessed you so much. So think about this as you put your tithe or offering in the bucket.
9:46a11:16a10:00Marble Count
Point for every bible
Point and prize for knowing memory verse

And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” Matthew 3:17

Point for being a new person or visitor
Point for a family member serving
Point and Prize for a signed backseat breakdown
9:56a11:26a1:30Have Student Pray for Teach Time
9:57:30a11:27:30a10:00Teach Time
10:07:30a11:37:30a4:00Worship Song 1

This song is a great one that teaches us about two people in the bible- Zacchaeus and David. This song reminds us that there are awesome stories in the bible, which is the book that God gave us. So think about that while we sing.
10:11:30a11:41:30a4:00Worship Song 2
10 commandment boogie

Hey Guys This song called the 10 commandment boogie, and we’re learning the 10 commandments. The 10 commandments were the rules that God gave his people to live a long and happy life. He knew that if they followed these rules that life would be a lot better for them, and that’s what God wants for each of us. So think about that while we sing.
10:15:30a11:45:30a4:00Worship Song 3/Communion
you gave your life away

This is our slow song today, and the title says exactly why we’re here right now, because Jesus gave his life away. He didn’t have to because he never did anything wrong, he was perfect. But he loved us so much that he decided to die in our place, so that we could live forever in heaven with him. All we have to do is admit that we sin and decide that we want to stop living life our way and let Jesus be in charge of our life. So if you’ve made this decision and been baptized to show everyone that you’ve made this decision, you can take communion in the back of the room when the song starts. Everyone else can sit quietly and follow along with the motions, or you can pray or read your bible, but remember that you’re completely focusing on God so move away from anyone that may distract you.
10:19:30a11:49:30a5:00Sword Drills
Point and prize for winning sword drill

Romans 12:2
2 cor 3:18
philp 3:21
2 cor 5:17
10:24:30a11:54:30a3:00Count Marbles
10:27:30a11:57:30a1:00Exit To Small Groups
10:28:30a11:58:30a15:00LG Activity/ Small groups
Work on putting motions to memory verse.


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